Video Inventory
In the event of a natural disaster, fire or theft do you have an accurate account of your possessions that you have worked hard for ?
What we do.
For the Home Owner
We document on Digital Video the intire extirior of the house, including outbuilding, sheds, garages, ect., then whe document every room of your home from floor to celling. We document every thing including furniture, flooring, window treatments, electronics, and any other valuables and furnishings. We then record a naration/description of the inventory video, we have the home owner do the narration. Who best to describe your prized possessions and home.

We then edit the video and produce a DVD with the Inventory Video content for archival. Also included on the DVD is a PDF file of serial numbers of important items. (Provided by you) A copy is provided to you, your insurance agency and a copy is kept in our private safety deposit storage (for up to 10 years)

Included in your Video Inventory
  • Video Documentation of the exterior of your home (Including 1 outbuiding)
  • Video Documentation of 11 Complete rooms- floor to celling (Including outbuilding)
  • PDF file recodring important seriel numbers of important posessions (Up to 30 items) included on your DVD
  • DVD menu for easy navigation of your home and property
  • 1 copy of the DVD for your safekeeping
  • 1 copy of your DVD for your insurance agent
  • 1 copy of your DVD archived in our privete safety deposit storage.

For the Rental/Property Owner

We document with the same high quality as we do for the home owner including the exteriors of the structure. On the inside we document every room detailing the conditions of the walls, ceilings, flooring and any furnishings provided. All appliances including hot water heaters, heating and air conditioning systems.

We then edit the video and produce a DVD with the Inventory Video content for archival. A copy is provided to you, how best to protect your investment against damages from bad renters.